Saturday, December 28, 2019

Poverty A Global Concept With Varying Degrees Essay

Poverty: Poverty is a global concept with varying degrees, every part of the world has some form of poverty. My understanding of poverty after reading Boston and Chapple, (2014) is that there are two distinctions of poverty. There is absolute poverty which is being deprived of one or more of life’s essential items for example: Being deprived of food, water, shelter or basic health care and services. This is extreme poverty experienced mostly in very poor countries. Absolute poverty is when people lack basic survival needs. There is also relative poverty which is about how people function in modern society in comparison to others for example: To go without shoes, clothing and a warm healthy home or healthy food available three times a day. It is also when people are unable to participate fully within the society that they live. Relative poverty is not having basic items that meet the socially accepted level in the society that they are a part of due to lack of resources. Poverty has a massive impact on health, education, care and support. One of many examples of poverty in learning package number two would be how Amanda â€Å"after paying rent, there are often times when there is simply not enough money to cover everything. No extra money for clothes, school trips, birthday parties etc. This shows that Amanda lives in relative poverty as she cannot afford the basic items that meet the socially accepted level of the society in which they live. Social exclusion: My understandingShow MoreRelatedThe Need for Development in the African Continent Essay1550 Words   |  7 Pagesof the colonial era, the African continent has experienced numerous hardships on the pathway to economic and human development. High levels of poverty, disease, and inequality coupled with low levels of human development, education, and infrastructure has long gripped the continent and has stifled growth efforts (Gorton). 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

We Must Educate Ourselves Before Passing Laws Restricting...

Biotechnology and genetic engineering involve the cloning of animal cells and organisms, but they also involve the alteration of an organism in an effort to make it more perfect, whether it is a crop, an animal, or even a human being. Obviously the cloning of humans or the cloning of human cells is much different than the cloning of genetically superior livestock or a better quality, higher yielding food crop, and people throughout the world realize this. The cloning of human beings has become one of the worst fears in our society today and for that reason many laws have been passed throughout European countries and North America in an effort to ban human cloning. For most people, it becomes more of an issue of ethics and moral values†¦show more content†¦These experiments were conducted using skin cells from frog embryos and used a method known as nuclear transplantation, or nuclear transfer. This process utilized a procedure known as enucleation in which the nucleus of an egg cell is removed and replaced with the nucleus of a parent cell. The new nucleus in the egg contains the same genetic material as the parent cell, and then, the fertilized egg becomes an embryo. The nucleus and all genetic material in the egg having been replaced with the genetic material of the parent cell, would now become an exact replica, or clone of the parent organism. John Gurdon, a molecular biologist at Oxford University in England, conducted further research using the method of nuclear transplantation in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1966, he was able to produce adult frogs using nuclei from tadpole intestine cells. Obviously, this proved that any cells, whether they be skin cells, blood cells, or even cells from an organisms intestinal tract could be used to create an exact replica of that creature. In the early 1980s, a much simpler cloning procedure, which is known as artificial twinning, was developed. In this procedure, the early embryo is split into individual cells or groups of cells, which happens naturally with twins, triplets, and other multiple births. This obviously allows each new cell to develop into its own embryo, and then those embryos areShow MoreRelatedGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words   |  99 PagesGovernment and scientist role in science c. Rely too much on technology? d. Nuclear technology e. Genetic modification f. Right tech for wrong reasons 3. Arts/Culture a. Arts have a future in Singapore? b. Why pursue Arts? c. Arts and technology d. Uniquely Singapore: Culture 4. Environment a. Developed vs. Developing b. Should environment be saved at all costs c. Are we doing enough to save the environment? d. Main reasons for environmental problems nowadays 5. Religion

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Personal The Drainpipe Essay Example For Students

Personal: The Drainpipe Essay Personal Essay: The DrainpipeFor a half hour, every school day, for a few months, I was really happy. Afriend and I would go to the drainpipe, and we would sit, talk, eat our lunches,and listen to my walkman. It was the perfect place: It was quiet, beautiful, andit was full of peace. It didnt matter whether it was cold or hot, somehow youdidnt feel anything sitting on that drainpipe. You would feel the wind on yourface, and it made your face cold, but inside, you felt warm and cozy, and youalmost felt like you couldnt be harmed. There was something magical about thedrainpipe. Maybe it was the fact that nobody was around except the two of us,and we were tiny compared to the long grass surrounding us. Then again, it couldjust been the freedom of knowing that we were listening to the walkman that wasbanned from school, and we werent getting caught. What ever it was, it doesntmatter because analyzing something takes away the feeling it gives when youthink about it. It was just a great pl ace, and it made me happy, and I dontknow why. That makes it better in a way, just knowing that it had that power. Everyday, I would meet with a friend at the drain-pipe. That is until ateacher found us and told us that because we didnt have any adult supervision,we couldnt eat there anymore. It felt terrible. I wanted to stay there. I hadalways thought that adult supervision was outdated by the time we were this old. We had come to this place to get away from adults and all the other P.C. peoplein this world, and now we had to join them again. At lunch time, I wander now,using the tape player in any open classroom and get into screaming matches withpeople, its all just little kid fun anyway. Lunchtime isnt the same anymore. Iwish the teacher had never found us. Even to this day, I go to the drainpipe. When things get to hard at home,and I need to just escape, I make the excuse that I forgot a book at school andI leave. I cross the soccer field, then the gym, sometimes stop at my locker toput away my backpack, and I run to the drainpipe. I lay down in the grass, andthink about what ever is bothering me right now. I put my headphones in my earsand blast the tape that is in my walkman. Im transported. Music and Movies

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Medication Prescription Drug and General Sales List free essay sample

Understand the legislative framework for the use of medication in social care |   | 1. 1 Identify legislation that governs the use of medication in social care settings| | Ans: The legislations that govern the use of medication in social care settings are as follow: 1) The Medicines Act 1968, 2) The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 (and later amendments), 3) The Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations 1973 (and later amendments), 4) The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), 5) COSHH, 6) The Mental Capacity Act (2005) 7) The Access to health records Act (1990), ) The Data Protection Act (1998) 9) Administration and Control of Medicines in Care Homes and Children’s Services June 2003, and 10) Care Standards Act 2000 (receipt, storage and Administration of medicines), 1. 2 Outline the legal classification system for medication: The Legal Classification system of medication is as follow: As per The Medicines Act 1968 the drugs are classified as below: 1) POM- Prescription only medi cines The prescriptions can be issued by doctors, dentists, nurse independent prescribers, pharmacist independent prescribers and supplementary prescribers. We will write a custom essay sample on Medication: Prescription Drug and General Sales List or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The retail sale or supply of product is prohibited. For example: Acyclovir, Albendazole, Adrenaline, Ampicillin, Azithromycin, Azlocillin Sodium, Aztreonam, and Bacampicillin Hydrochloride, Bacitracin etc. 2) P – Pharmacy Medicines: It includes all those medicines which are not in POM (prescription only medicines) or GSL (general sales list), and includes all medicines made in a pharmacy for retail sale under the exemptions from licensing granted to retail pharmacies. For examples: Paracetamol, Antibiotic eye drops etc. 3) GSL- General Sales List Those medicinal products which in the opinion of the appropriate minister can with reasonably safety be sold or supplied otherwise by or under the supervision of a pharmacist. For example: Schedule 12 excipients, glycerine extract, bovine blood derivatives etc. 4) CD – Controlled drugs: The drugs subjected to control are listed in scheduled 2 of the act are termed controlled drugs. For example: Cannabis etc. 1. 3 Explain how and why policies and procedures or agreed ways of working must reflect and incorporate legislative requirements: Ans: The policies and the procedures or the agreed ways of working are as follows: 1) All medications shall be ordered as per the policy â€Å"Ordering of Medications†. 2) Pharmacy will be notified of all patient allergies and should be informed of the patient’s height and weight as soon as possible after admission. A Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties (CPS) and Intravenous Medication Reference Manual shall be available on each nursing unit. 3) Fridges used to store medications will not be used to store food items. ) All medications previously dispensed by Pharmacy Services will be returned to pharmacy when the medication is discontinued and when the patient is discharged. 5) IV medications infusing at shift change either continuously or intermittently must be verified by the oncoming shift nurse. 6) All intravenous containers and syringes will remain in their original overwrap until ready to be prepared and/or administered. 7) Medications shall be administered by registered or licensed nurses, physicians, RRTs, and Nursing/Paramedic students as per specific educational institution guidelines. ) All oral medications will remain in their original packaging until they reach the patient. This includes medications that require crushing or dissolving. 9) All oral suspensions will be prepared in, delivered and administered to patients in a labelled oral syringe. Oral medications will not be prepared in syringes usually used for injections. 10) Patients shall be observed when taking oral medications.. 11) To prevent distractions from other persons or activities, registered or icensed nurses will refrain from other aspects of individualized patient care while administering medications to ensure appropriate safety checks are followed. 12) Hand hygiene will be performed before and after medication administration. 13) The registered or licensed nurse will take the medication cart/tray/medication and the medication administration record to the patient d uring medication administration using standard precautions taking care to avoid contamination of the cart or tray. 14) Documentation in MAR sheet. 15)Verify patient is not allergic to medication being administered.